this year is special for me and sad at the same time. I am coming up on a new decade this is the last months of my thirties. When I was twenty I thought that forty would be the magical number that all my life would fall in to place. Not realizing that there were rules I should of followed in my twenties, or that it was steps that I should of took in my thirties to get to what I thought my forties were going to be like. Now that I'm on the last stretch of thirty what I thought I probably should not have thought that. Not saying that I regret the person that I am cause I don't. However there are some things that I want to change such as way of thinking, how I allow people to treat me and how I treat others. There are steps to everything that we want to do in life. Nothing worth keeping happens over night we must work for it. A lot of times people look at change as if it's a bad thing. When change is essential to life. Think about it like this, our age changes every year don't it. In school our grades changed from preschool to elementary then there was jr high school after that high school on to college. Babies change kids and kids become teenager who then become adults. Its the universe letting us know that change is necessary. Sometimes change is a must in our life, in order to get to the next level of where we want to be. You can't be the same person that you always have been when you want something better in your life. Think about it... You would of had it by now being the person that you always have been. I thought when I was forty I would own a house I would have a great job life would be smooth sailing from here on out. Right simple..... WRONG!!!! Guess what I blame self though for not changing my train of thought. Not changing who I hung around. Not changing to who I always wanted to be all because I was scared of losing everything that was so familiar to me. Things I did everyday got so comfortable with just living day by day. Then I look up and forty like hello how you doing. I started to look at my daily routines and started to change them slowly not where I want to be yet, they have changed. I started investing more in myself such as my wants needs and feelings. Found out that it was the best life change I could of ever done. I was too busy trying to understand why people thought of me a certain way instead of understanding who I was in the first place. I will warn you though when you start to change people will start to look at you different pay attention to those. You can tell by the conversation that you have. Your talking about one thing and they talk about another. To change the way you feel we must surround our selves by like minded people. Those that have some of the same goals as you. Example you cant talk to someone about buying a house who is content with renting. You cant talk to someone about owning their own business who is content with working for someone the rest of their life. To want better you have to have that mindset, and sometimes we have to change the one that we once had. Nothing is wrong with change. If you think so change that thought and watch what happens.
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