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Just a little advice

You cant stay ahead of the game by looking back. Staying ahead you cant be worried about him/her he/she, they're the ones who got to pick up where they slack. Push like your trying to stay ahead. Forget sleep you can do that when your dead. Who can sleep peacefully when you got things to do.
To condition your self to have that mind set with your self you gotta be true, But no one can do that but you. Plan goals and plan to fulfill them. One tiny step can turn into a big leap. Just by believing in self, you don't know how many hills you can climb no matter how step. Only if you wholeheartedly believe in self, cause if you don't how could you make anyone else. First off!!! STOP blaming others for your grown up mistakes. For the things that was negative in the past, in the future with positive replace. But from you future never erase where or how far you came. Tying goes a long way see what that bring. I've said this before and I will say it again, Surround your self with those trying to build you up not always bring you down. Surround your self with those that the feeling is mutual with each other that you want to be around. Why is it often times that we are loyal to the wrong people,
and those that break their necks and backs for us we don't treat as equal. Those that act like that should treat everyone like they don't care. Cause treating the good bad and the bad good just not fare.
Yes I know I might be on some helmets and your like, "How do I dare?" Maybe it's because I care.
Check I've hurt people that done me no wrong. Maybe it had something to do with genuine love I felt I was never really shown. Now I'm not trying to place no blame just giving you a little back ground from where I came. These words that I express to you is not a game. They are things I've been through or had a front row seat and saw. See I was born in 78 grew up in the 80's. Everybody know that was a era in the invasion of the "crack babies". Know in the 21st century our crack babies are grown. They running a muck around here now I know ya'll see this going on. Hey for all I know I could be one of those too, ........Is that the reasons I do some of the crazy things I do. Anywho.... Its is what it is. As long as I have mentality to handle my biz. That is to not continue the same cycle going on with my kids. Everyday I try and try. With each day that go by the less I cry. Tears on their own that are drying. A new life has evolved so the old me is dying. If nothing else with those I hurt I want to make amends. Just to let them know I was wrong and a new life for me has begun. My eyes are now open I realize who are my true friends. Alert on the sensitive to what really has to end.
Can't stay ahead by looking back. No need to do that if in your head you store all the facts.



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